Summer 2022 Service Mission to Vietnam
Despite the uncertainty and challenges presented by the COVID pandemic, VietCorps members travelled to and successfully completed a service mission in Vietnam from late June to early July 2022. Among our other things, we visited and presented gifts to two orphanages in Đồng Nai Province (the Xuan Tam and Dieu Phap Orphanages).
Our main service project was the donation and installation of a reading and computer room at an elementary school in the Phan Thiet area (i.e., Trường tiều học &THCS Sơn Lâm, xã Phan Sơn, huyện Bắc Bình, Bình Thuận, Viet Nam, see Google map link here). This project was carried out in collaboration with the Golden Business Entrepreneur Club, which is part of Ho Chi Minh City Young Business Entrepreneur Association (YBA) For this project, we donated ten new desktop computers, 900 soft skills and reference books that are school-aged appropriate, bookshelves and bookends to store and organize the books; and seven sets of library tables and chairs. Our young volunteers assembled and built the book shelves, organized the the books, and set up the reading/computer room. We hope that our donated library/computer room will facilitate learning at this underprivileged school. We also helped YBA to distribute food and gifts to the approximately 1,000 residents in the community.
Below are a few pictures from our Summer 2022 Service Mission. Please click on the two links below below to see many more pictures.
Our next service mission to Vietnam will be the Summer of 2023, and we invite you to join us on this service mission.